Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have been investigating Twitter of late, and the further I delve and explore twitter, the more interesting it gets. I have found some great people/associations to follow and I have stumbled across some interesting conversations. In order to get the most out of twitter, I have had to continue my e-learning journey which, without the help I have found online would have hit many a dead-end. ShellTerrell has posted information on her blog, teacher boot camp for digital immigrants like me, on how to  access and join in the #edtech conversations which are held on a weekly basis on twitter and are contributed to by a myriad of educators.
During my exploration I came across TigerPhysics, which is a twitter id of Kevin McChesney, used solely to keep in contact with his students. I think this is a great example of technology in use and, the students have access 24/7 to reminders about papers that are due and when tests and exams are to be held.
Must now return to  my reading of Shell Terrell's tips!
I must say that this twitter fixation began due to this blog post by Bright ideas, thank you for extending my PLN SLAV
Just as I've posted this I found a great blog post on using twitter for education through adding an #edtech column to my Tweetdeck, this post by Steve Wheeler is worth your time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010