Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is literacy today?

Another great post from Scott McLeod's blog, Dangerously Irrelevant, on literacy today.

School is no longer constrained to how far the bus can travel in the morning.

I found this on  Scott McLeod's blog Dangerously Irrelevant, it is so true.... 

I love this slide (courtesy of Dean Shareski and John Pederson). Click on the image for a larger version.

Photo credit: The School Bus

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still learning

Since I started the e-learning course at uni I have been finding blogs that I like to read and I am garnishing some great information from them.
I have been inspired by Jeff Utech to set up a facebook page for fans, here is Jeff's. Sounded bloated to me, but basically it is a page for a public profile. This keeps my private life private, and when I am a teacher, if a student wants to friend me I can explain that I reserve friends for family, however I have this other page.
There has been a lot written about student/teacher relationships on social media sites, and then some more. This is a good post about how to handle social media when students are involved. And so today I have been setting up my new page, my sister was my first fan- isn't that nice- and attempting to link my twitter account with my facebook page and my blog with facebook and...I think I need a diagram! I am getting linked (and no I'm not even going to look at that site!) in my web2.0 world, oh yeah, how could I forget? I accomplished my first status update via mobile phone. Not a big accomplishment for some, and I'll probably cringe at some stage in the future, if I re-read this post, at how easily I am excited by small accomplishments.
Each step takes me further down the road, but there is no end in sight as technology keeps advancing...BRING IT ON.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Digital Pens 2

Here is a funny video for digital pens. I ended up getting an IntelliPen which is just great. I came across this video through the blog

Did you know

I found this while reading through Scott MacLeods blog, Dangerously Irrelevant and I thought that I would post it here so I don't lose it! Enjoy.