Saturday, August 1, 2009

On line file storage

Mozy offers an important service of keeping a copy of the files that you choose to have backed up to their servers. As computers crash, eerily, at a time when you can least afford it, this is a valuable tool.

As for my use of it in education, I don't think that I would need to back up any official records of student grades or work completed by them as this would be held on the education department servers. What I would use it for is any resouces I had made, or sourced, for my classes that I would like access to regardless of whether or not I had the computer with me that these items had been saved too.
This could also be a way for me to share a resource I had made with my students as they could download the file from mozy themselves. Alternatively I could create a class folder and students could up load assignments to this file so that I may retrieve them for marking.

I wonder...I will have to look at whether I could store files here that are linked to my wiki or web page...I could certainly store things here that I want a backup copy of and I would suggest that my students do the same under their own account to protect the work they put into their files.

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